Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Birth Of A Butterscotch Stallion

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let the world know that Brooke Shields bought you booze.
Today's feature is a special one, for a reader has come up with a nickname for an actor that is so spectacular that we will now use it every time his name comes up. Behold Owen Wilson, Butterscotch Stallion.
In today's enormous episode: Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn; Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, and Maroon 5; Vince Vaughn, Johnny Knoxville, and Steve O; Chris Rock; Jake Gyllenhaal; Cole Hauser, Claire Forlani, Steven Soderbergh, and Jules Asner; Courteney Cox; Elijah Wood; Mischa Barton; Pink; Nicky Hilton and Kevin Connolly; Brooke Shields; Patricia Arquette; George from The Apprentice; Nick Stahl; Vivica A. Fox; P.J. Harvey; Bishop Don Magic Juan; Cheri Oteri; Chris Masterson; Peter Dinklage; Kevin McDonald; Shane West; Richard Grieco; Janine Turner; Skeet Ulrich; Alex Winter; Kaley Cuoco; Rob Zombie; Matt Cedeno; Kara Saun; Jeff Probst.
· I was enjoying margaritas with friends at the Velvet Margarita on Cahuenga. Out on the patio I saw some delightfully shaggy blonde highlights accompanied by a perfect tan and I wondered inside my head, "Could that be..." then he turned and like a butterscotch stallion there was Owen Wilson. He really looked great and was with two guy friends. Let me emphasize...Owen, so hot right now. Owen. A short while later bad boy Vince Vaughn showed with a young'n on his arm. He is a tall handsome drink of water and he stayed late. At one point he was making his way to the bar with girl in tow when some nymph jumped in his path to gush, "Oh my god, I HAVE to meet you!" He kept walking to the bar and she continued to follow. Can't we let the man have one peaceful night out?
· It was my guy friend's girlfriend's birthday, and we celebrated it at the Velvet Margarita. We commandeered 4 tables, when somebody had to inform me that all the guys from Maroon 5 were dining with us. By the gods, I abhor that song of theirs-turn my brain to primordial ooze. Anyway, they were so cutting edge music chic-artfully shaggy hair, suits over button up shirts with long cuffs. The lead (?) singer (buzz cut) wore one of those giant mexican jacket/sweaters made popular by the 70's, "Starsky & Hutch". They invited the whole party back at their house, but I felt so seriously uncool, I didn't assume that they included me. We also saw Owen Wilson and later, Vince Vaughn (was he supposed to meet Owen?). Owen looks good (must be that Creme De La Mer he demands his makeup artists to use), while Vince had that puffy water retentive look he's sporting the past few years.
· I was in Hollywood outside the Burgundy Room and I saw Johnny Knoxville come out and walk off, Steve O emerged a bit later to smoke and talk to some weird girls. Then we went across the street to the Velvet Margarita and I should have sensed that our theatrical entrance through big velvet curtains was a clue that we would meet the person who made that look good in Swingers. Later on outside while I was talking to some really short "actors" everyone starts whispering that Vince Vaughn is here. I was kinda out of it after drinking several redbull and vodkas so I walked up to him and introduced myself. We chatted. Not for long. He was with this girl who was short and like a hipster/scenester, they kept making out. She wasn't that cute. There were some whisperings that she was a huge star or something, her
name was Lauren. I talked to them some more, and that was the night. I didn't think he was all that tall, maybe like 6 foot. Which I guess is tall in hollywood. Kinda chubby in the face, attractive, but old.
· I was walking up to the Newsroom for a meeting when I spotted 3 paparazzi hanging outside across the street from the Ivy. "Oooo," I thought, "What hot celeb is at the Ivy??" I kept squinting over to the Ivy as I walked into the Newsroom when right there, at a table directly facing the door apart from the dining area by the magazine stands, was Chris Rock! He was sitting with an old white guy and a paranoid looking chick. Yes, we made sweet eye contact. But the best part was that Chris was signing checks- as in pay checks- while he was talking to the man and looking around at the same time. Does this make him wealthy instead of rich ??? (You have to see his stand-up to get this comment).
· Friday night I saw Jake Gyllenhaal casually bending elbows with a drinking buddy at Boardner's. I wish I could say they were manbracing or holding hands across a marble tabletop, but nope.
· Last night (3/10) - having dinner/drinks but not together were Cole Hauser looking buff, brooding and gorgeous, and Claire Forlani also looking gorgeous - and very friendly with the staff (hugs, etc.), Steven Soderbergh, and the impossibly tall and pixie-faced Jules Asner.
· Pace (Laurel Canyon), Wednesday night - while waiting for our car at the valet, I spotted Courteney Cox and elbowed my friends in the ribs (I thought I was being sly) so hard she almost fell over! Strangely, Courteney was with some old guy and very young girl that I was hoping were father and daughter...but I don't think so (ewww, "Hollywood"). And also some bearded guy on crutches. Courteney looked good, healthy and not half as skinny as I would have thought! Everyone was dressed very casual and were totally chummy. The barely legal girl said to Courteney, as they all climbed into an older Mercedes (Courteney was driving), "Aren't you going home to the baby now?" Courteney laughed and replied, "No! She's asleep. I'm coming to your house to watch AMERICAN IDOL!" I love that Courteney is into trashy reality TV like the rest of us, but where was David Arquette???
· Saw Elijah Wood and 3 friends (3/3) taking up all 3 couches outside at Warzawa on Lincoln in Santa Monica. EW talked a lot and the 3 fans/friends/employees raptly nodded. Frodo is cute and creepy all at the same time.
· Saw Mischa Barton (I think that's how it's spelled) Saturday night at the opening party for some club on Hollywood Blvd near Highland. She was the 'host', and she watched the band while talking to her assorted hangers on. She's REALLY skinny.. like Lara F. Boyle skinny, and she was wearing something that looked suspiciously like a Hefty (tm) bag.
She was running around trying to be a good host (for which I have to give her props), and she had a VERY large bodyguard trying (and failing) to keep up with her. I didn't see anything that even remotely looked like a date with her.
· My GF and I were at the dog park off Mulholland Sunday afternoon with her dog when a very personable and friendly Pink came up to us to chat about dogs and the like. The funny part of the story (as if seeing Pink at a dog park in identity-concealing glasses and hat fifteen minutes after you brought her up in conversation [really] isn't funny enough) is there was a lesbian hitting on her relentlessly. Not sure if Pink is straight or gay, but either way she wasn't having it. I don't think the said hitter-onner recognized her as the celeb she is.
· Saw Nicky Hilton and her boyfriend Kevin "what a zero" Connolly at Toast on Sat. She definitely towers over him by about 2-3 inches. They were seated in the window for all to see but tried to be inconspicuous after they were done and snuck out the back. That backfired when they were met by about 15 people waiting for their cars at the valet. No one seemed to care that they were there and they soon began making out in the line as if no one else was around, almost as if they were putting on a show. When the valet rolled up in Kevin's Lincoln towncar (yes Lincoln towncar) w/ custom tinted windows- the crowd shared similar looks of confusion. Why is the short guy from Entourage driving a
Lincoln town car?
· Last night I was at "The Brentwood" for drinks to celebrate my new job and my good friend's engagement and Brooke Shields was sitting a few seats from our group at the bar, with some guy we didn't recognize. She must
have overheard us because after she walked out the bartender delivered to us a $70 bottle of champagne courtesy of Ms. Shields. Who says celebs have no heart?
· Saw Tom Arnold at Palomino in Westwood last night. The funny thing was that he was at a table with about ten other people and they were all intently discussing his upcoming projects and the direction of his career. How many advisors does Tom Arnold need to tell him that he better be praying for a TRUE LIES sequel? I give him a year before he ends up with a show on UPN, that network is just terrible.
· Saw Patricia Arquette Saturday at Diamond Foam and Fabric on LaBrea. She is SHORT, like 5'2", maybe. Huge breasts; didn't look like originals. She's cute, though, and looks pretty young in person. Dressed very bohemian-sh.
· George of The Apprentice fame(?) spotted on a United flight from LAX to SFO this morning (3/10) flying coach (!), seat 18f. He said tonight's boardroom is going to be "wild".
· just saw nick stahl (terminator/in the bedroom "fame"). he was getting out of his shiny, black BMW in santa monica. he looked shifty and messy, a frat boy gone bad. i made eye contact, looked away, realized who it
was, looked back over my shoulder and made eye contact again, we had a minor stare-down. he looked like he was scared of his own shadow.
· Saw Vivica A. Fox dining Tuesday afternoon at the counter at California Pizza Kitchen in the Beverly Center. Despite being dressed down in jeans with a bandana on her head, she was still exceedingly gorgeous. She was
outgoing and friendly with the staff, chatting with the waiter and beyond gracious and sweet when a couple of fans went up to her to share their admirations. She even took their names and addresses with the promise of sending them an autographed picture. I thought she was great before, but after witnessing her with the "little people" she has moved up to fabulous!
· Saturday night at the Echo on Sunset, on hand to witness the entertaining disaster that is Th' Corn Gangg was P.J. Harvey. She's very small. But rocks big

· Strolling down the Eastern end of Hollywood Blvd, I spotted Snoop Dogg's personal Pope, The Bishop Don Magic Juan doing a little street ministering to two young tourists who'd wandered a little too far from Hollywood & Highland. While I'm sure he only had their best interests at heart, you should warn all tourists that if they stray off the beaten path, they're
liable to be approached by dudes in neon suits who'll try to schmooze them with stories about working with Vince Vaughn on "Old School," "Starsky & Hutch," and "Snoop Dogg Raw N Uncut Vol. 1" (although I'm not sure Vince was in that one).
· At the horrendously packed Edendale Grille Thursday night I saw Cheri Oteri in a very strange backless satin shirt — a garment a trashy cheerleader might wear. Bad move, Cheri. 'Tis a pity this once quiet neighborhood bar has become over run with who-knows-what types. Granted a couple birthday parties were happening, but for now I blame the silly NYT photobooth piece. I did not, however, notice crowds lining up outside the booth hoping to snap a few with Cheri. I still hold the article responsible for the newly icky zoo-like quality of the place.
· I saw the incredibly teeny-tiny Chris Masterson at LAX yesterday waiting for his ride outside the Southwest baggage claim. He was looking relaxed with his stylish jeans (something...Keys? bulging in his pocket) and a grey hoodie. He waited for about fifteen minutes with a 40ish blonde woman before being wisked away into the front seat of a black chauffered car. He seemed very nice, someone went over to him and raved for a second. He was very polite.
· I was enjoying dinner with friends Saturday night on the patio at Pace, when I saw Peter Dinklage of Station Agent fame come tearing out of the place. He was clad in a Tom Cruise-style motorcycle jacket with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. His girlfriend (full size) was struggling to keep up with him.
· Just went to Tower Records (3/9) on Sunset and saw Kevin McDonald (aka "The curly haired guy from Kids in the Hall). He sauntered in all casual, pulled his glasses from his case, put 'em on and then grabbed the new Jack Johnson CD from the New Releases rack. Not sure why he needed glasses for that one.
· Shane West at Neds in North Hollywood. He always sits out on the patio with his buddies and NEVER looks at anyone walking by. Damn! Also saw Richard Greico (Hey Booker!) at Starbucks in Studio city...every single staff member in there greeted him with a HI RICHARD! I only got overcharged for my coffee.
· Saw Janine Turner at the Baja Fresh on San Vicente in Brentwood - she looks amazing! Miss Northern Exposure hasn't aged at all and had the cutest shoulder length-haircut!
· Saw Skeet Ulrich at new restaurant Wacky Waffles on Sunset Blvd. on Saturday 3/4. He was with 2 other adults and about 7 kids, including his twins. He looked just like he did in Scream, and one has to question why he keeps the greasy mullet look. But he seemed nice to the staff and didn't act like he deserved special treatment.
· Sat eerily close to Alex Winter (aka "Bill" from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure) at the Robyn Hitchcock show at Largo. Apparently he is not only a fan, but a good friend of Robyn...he sat in the "guest
booth". I really wanted to ask Alex if something strange was afoot at the Circle K, but I maintained my dignity.
· It's been a super week for me seeing non A-list actors. Last wednesday say Kaley Cuoco from '8 Simple Rules...' outside Trader Joe's by CBS Radford. She is quite pretty and has a really rediculously long torso. Bonnie Hunt on Sunday at Third Street Promenade, she is also pretty in person. Last night Rob Zombie standing outside of a convenience store on Ventura, I almost didn't recognize him because he looked somewhat clean even with the mass of hair that lives on his face. The best was Matt Cedeno, Brandon from 'Days of Our Lives' at Midori on Ventura. He was also in those terrible El Pollo Loco commercials last summer, you know he had that awful mullet, to which my friend had to say, "El Caliente eats sushi?"
· 3/15, 9pm, Urth Café on Melrose. This definitely stretches the definition of the term "celebrity" but for me, it's up there with the time I saw Jake and Kirsten at Whole Foods (right after they "broke up"). I was on my way out after dining at a less-than-desirable inside table when I see Project Runway finalist (and Wendy Pepper hater!) Kara Saun holding court at a prime outdoor table. She was with two young women who were furiously scribbling on legal pads, soaking up every word KS said. All I overheard was her saying, "It all changes after the show..." I couldn't tell whether they were journalists or acolytes but either way I wanted to be them - Kara Saun rules!
· Don't know if this counts for Hollywood Privacy Watch but I saw JEFF (Survivor) PROBST at RUNYON CANYON yesterday (03/15) Running, SHIRTLESS with what I assumed was his younger-smaller-Male-so-pleased-to-have-a-celebrity-client-trainer. Jeff looked in great shape for his age! & definitely got a "vibe"