The Vazquez-Fez Connection: Fez Whereabouts Update

Readers have submitted various reports concerning Wilmer Valderrama's whereabouts last night, while doppleganger/Idol quitter Mario Vazquez was in NY, taping his Letterman top ten segment. Fez's night is coming into focus: Around 7pm, he was in the Chin Chin parking lot near Sunset, supposedly (and we can't confirm this) buying underwear. At 9pm, he was spotted at the Beverly Hills Hotel for a Hugo Boss event. Later, he was seen hanging around the DJ booth at Spider Club. Wait, hold on a sec...buying underwear? In a parking lot? This is the part you care about:
It's almost too embarrassing to report. Tonight as I was picking up dinner, I saw Wilmer (or Mario) buying underwear out of the back of a Hummer in the parking lot of Chin Chin off the trendy part of Sunset. Chin Chin is soooo slow I had to watch as Wilmer sniffed the underwear while the bleached blonde guy had to tell him it was good cotton, and as some heavy blond chick in too tight jeans had to stand there and nod vigorously. He also seemed to buy a big red silk boxer-type robe (dreams of Clint Eastwood paying him any mind). It was sad, but the underwear looked nice, dark grey sporty ones and brightly colored boxers.
Don't people usually buy dope in parking lots on Sunset Boulevard? Now they can get robes and boxers? Our minds are blown at the advanced state of the Strip's black-market capitalism.