To Do: Excess, Chicks, Swedes, Ecstasy

· The Book Soup website asks, “Looking for a satisfying fictional dive into excess?” We prefer the excessive-dives of the nonfictional variety, but in any case, Matthew Carnahan signs his debut novel Serpent Girl at Book Soup tonight.
· This probably runs counter to the intention of the whole thing, but hey, this is our To Do list: International chicks with cameras! Tonight's the opening night presentation and gala for the 1st Annual Reel Women International Film Festival at Grauman's 6 at Hollywood and Highland.
· Looking to get your ass kicked by guitar-wielding Swedes? The Troubadour hosts this year's Swedish Music Showcase.
· John Digweed DJs at the Mayan...ecstasy sales rise...coincidence? Oh, stop thinking about it and fucking hug us already!