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Brittany Murphy is denying rumors that she's on the 24 Hour Colombian Miracle Diet, telling Jane magazine that she's as coke-free as a third-grade bake sale (well, one that's not in LA, at least):

"I have never tried it in my entire life," the "8 Mile" actress insists. "I've never even seen it. ... I am also way too high-strung. I can't even take a Sudafed. Can you imagine? My God. I think my heart would explode."

We were right there with the clean-living Ms. Murphy, right up until the part about how she's "never even seen" cocaine. How could she miss the blow fountain at the Little Black Book premiere party? This "never even seen it" spin might have some legs, though. Pretty soon, people wearing blindfolds will crowd into bathroom stalls at clubs all over town.