· On Radian, who play at Tonic tonight, Flavorpill notes: "Neither jazz, dub, electronic, nor rock, this electro-acoustic trio's gray-scale abstraction sculpts a wholly engrossing sound field in which subtle musical incidents advance, retreat, and mutate to stunning, and frequently menacing, effect." Jesus fucking Christ, someone get us a cigarette. But yeah, um, Radian play at Tonic tonight. [flavorpill]
· Three editors, a book agent, and an author convene at Coliseum Books tonight for "Getting Published: What You Need to Know." Here's what they'll say: No matter what your parents and roommates tell you, if it hasn't happened yet, now's a good time to pick a different career objective. Or career. [Coliseum]
· Early 90's throwback band Slint play three shows with Gang Gang Dance at Irving Plaza. Tonight's appearance is the only one not sold out. Do with this information what you will. [Irving Plaza]