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The event-stalking folks at Open All Night celebrate the genius of the ShoWest prankster that put Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Aniston at the convention on the same day:

Hollywood agents - grab some contracts and go to Las Vegas this instant. You’re going to be rich!We have uncovered a brilliant comic talent, maybe the funniest person in history. We’re talking, of course, about the person who had the astute comedic timing and delicious sense of humor to book Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to appear, together, at the ShoWest convention ON THE SAME DAY that Jennifer Aniston received an award there. The convention goes for four days, so it took some coordination to create this embarrassing situation.

Pitt and Jolie were pushing their upcoming film, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and their Thursday afternoon photo-op was palpably awkward, lasting no more than 20 seconds, with Pitt standing two feet from Jolie. Truly genius.

It was a savvy move by their publicist to leave some room for the Holy Spirit between Jolie and Pitt, a tactic which served a dual purpose: preventing the duo from succumbing to their carnal lust and copulating in front of the assembled photographers, and making it a little more difficult for the glossies to Photoshop them into some kind of ambiguous hug.

Bonus: Let's play "Who's on my private plane?" courtesy of Page Six.