To Do: Bloc, Annie, Sandra

· Bloc Party, the Next Big Thing in indie rock, and who you very may well be sick of within three weeks, plays the Troubadour tonight to celebrate the release of their new album. And if you're not already on the backlash bandwagon, you can catch Maximo Park play the Bloc Party after-party at Cinespace.
· The Annie Leibovitz “American Music” exhibition opened last week at the Fahkey/Klein gallery and continues until April 23rd. You've missed your shot at rushing the place when the doors opened, but those people are poseurs anyway. Way to play it cool!
· You've only got a few more days to catch Sandra Bernhard performing Everything Bad & Beautiful at The Silent Movie Theater. It's now or never, people, or this show, like much of your life, has passed you by. We're totally staying in to watch American Idol, but still.