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A couple of days after The Insider host/voicemail sexy-talker Pat O'Brien's fortuitously timed "trip to rehab," the gossip sheets have dug up some interesting, if violently stomach-turning, tidbits:

· Page Six: O'Brien's girlfriend's ex-husband has a "compromising photograph" of O'Brien "pleasuring himself." Somewhat less disgusting is an e-mail "blueprint" for having an affair with O'Brien.

· Gatecrasher: At one particularly busy party, O'Brien licked Access Hollywood host Nancy O'Dell's face and took a handful of reporter Shaun Robinson's hindquarters. O'Brien also allegedly told a gay male producer to "bend over" as a "gift" to him, and on a different, equally classy occasion, allegedly stretched out on the producer's sofa and asked him, "What would you do if I masturbated in front on you?"

· There may be other incidents in these items, but we can't bear anymore. Click the links and sacrifice your own breakfast.