· Hipster High s unofficial pep squad, The Go! Team, round out a three-night NYC stand with a set at the Canal Room. Motherfuckers Dave. P and Justine D. host the rah-rah-sis-boom-bah festivities. [Canal Room]
· Henry Rollins is doing his latest spoken word shtick, Caught in the Zipper, at, strangely enough, the Zipper Theatre. Apparently it s the funniest offering from a punk rocker since Sid Vicious teamed with Carol Channing for the largely forgotten 70s variety show Hello Dolly, You Stupid Twat. [Rollins]
· Multimedia artist Nicole Awai discusses her latest work at MOMA s bastard cousin, the Whitney. Remember, just because Awai paints with nail polish doesn t make your Lee Press-Ons some sort of profound artistic statement. [flavorpill]