Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Jennifer Aniston, Babs, And Baked Goods

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let the world know that America's Current Sweetheart eats doughnut holes.
In today's episode: Jennifer Aniston, Barbra Streisand, and Brolins at the Brentwood; Cate Blanchett; A big night at Guy's, starring, among others, Bijou Phillips, Michelle Rodriguez, Dustin Hoffman, and "Summer and Seth"; A big lunch at Spago, starring Chris Rock, Better Midler, Norman Lear, and a bunch of agents; Geoffrey Rush, Bruce Willis, Maria Shriver, Jason Priestly, and Marcia Cross; Ben Affleck; Drew Barrymore; Zach Braff and Mandy Moore; Kanye West and David Krumholtz; Seal; Jerry O'Connell and Rebecca Romijn; Kevin Smith; Lisa Rinna, Maria Menounos, Cheryl Hines, and Melissa Rivers; Steve Harvey; Vincent Gallo; John Mayer; Shane West.
· Jennifer Aniston sighting: Friday Night at "The Brentwood", sitting at a large round table flanked by babes for girls night out... eating doughnut holes!!! Apparently she didn't notice "The Brolin Family," with Babs chomping down
fried chicken. It's amazing, she looks so much hotter in person (jennifer not babs) HDTV will be very kind to her.
· Sunday afternoon as I was strolling the Visual Music exhibit at Moca I noticed a woman who appeared to be dressed like a celebrity who was trying to hide from the public. She was wearing a white skirt, has ugg boots on, a white sweater and her hair was in a ponytail screaming "i'm dressed down today, but take my picture anyway." I ignored this celebrity-wannabe-type until I actually got a closer look at her and recognized a lovelier than on screen Cate Blanchett! She was with at least one of her babies and a husband type, but I didn't see his face as I was bored with my date and wanted to leave.
· but Sunday at Guy's in Beverly Hills, Bijou Phillips and Michelle Rodriguez, sharing a venue! I was leaving as Rodriguez was entering, so was unable to witness any flying spittle, but I bet it was awesome. Also at the venue, Dustin Hoffman, Trent Ford, Ben Foster, Danny Masterson, Kelly Osbourne, the guy who played Rufio in Hook (hell yeah—-he's a midget), and as a special treat, Adam Brody and Rachel Bilson, canoodling and looking exactly like they do on the OC.
· What an afternoon lunch today. Sam Haskell dining with good friend Jeff Margolis. A bunch of "suits" from WMA pretending to not care that Bette Midler and Chris Rock were discussing God-only-knows-what in what will be the oddest of couples to eat a meal together. Norman Lear holding court over the special of the day. And Wolfgang Puck himself strolling around the restaurant to shake hands with even the lowliest of patrons.
· I hit the paydirt the other day-5 count em'-5 celebrities all in one day!! My eyestalks are strained... 1- Geoffrey Rush, crossing Santa Monica on Doheny (no doubt to eat at that french patisserie). 2-Bruce Willis, on Rodeo, looking fit , wearing a black knitted beanie and striding manfully down the street. At Neiman's: 3- Maria Shriver with daughter, lunching downstairs. Maria looks like she's had all the moisture wicked out of her skin and during lunch, a salesperson gave her her purchases and started walking backwards, genuflecting. 4-Jason Priestly in the same restaurant as well, looking good. 5-Marcia Cross on the escalator, dressed casually, looking eerily devoid of emotion. I think I've exhausted my celebrity sighting karma for the year.
· Took some friends from out of town to Graystone. Turned a corner to find Ben Affleck standing in a beautiful picture window talking on the phone. Dressed down in a yellow canvas jacket and dirty brown ski cap. He was a bit puffy and in need of a shave. After telling my friends the paparazzi arrived in the form of dirty sandwich eating little men. Alias, it turns out was on location there. Looks like Affleck is in dire need of a nap.
· First time back in LA in 5 years and I see a celeb (one who I'm a fan of no less) on my first night in town. Friday 3/11 at Sushi Roku on 3rd St I was seated 2 tables from none other than Poison Ivy herself, Miss Drew Barrymore. She was so nice to the staff, had dark hair and in general just seemed lovely and pleasant. I think she was with Nancy Juvonen (her producing partner), another woman and a guy (not Fabrizio). I think it was someone's birthday.
· just saw zach braff and mandy moore at an opening at paul kopeikin gallery in the 6150 wilshire gallery cluster...he looked like he was very seriously considering the purchase of a not-so-interesting photograph as he was deep in conversation with the gallery owner. she looked beautiful, was tanned and wearing a pale green top and is way taller than expected. people weren't really noticing them and they seemed pretty relaxed.
· friday night at the largo was pretty surreal. JB started playing prince's "pop life" and who takes the stage but mr. kanye west! even for brion standards, that's pretty insane. then we shoot over to canter's afterwards and see mr. math himself, david krumholtz. he was super nice, but who knows how long his show numb3rs (stupidest name ever) will last.
· last night (3/22) i saw a heidi klum-less seal lurking on the balcony of the troubadour at the bloc party show. nice to see he supports his fellow limeys. when he and heidi have a kid will people say he klummed a baby seal? i kill me.
· A friend and I saw Jerry O'Connell lugging around a giant rusted wagon wheel at the Pasadena Flea Market Sunday. I don't remember what he is "famous" for, but he is fairly tall and oddly red-faced in person. Also in tow was new girlfriend Rebecca Romijn. In person she is shorter than I expected and not nearly the Glamazon that she plays in her B-movies. I barely recognized her, with no make-up, schlubby clothes and kind of greasy hair. It all made my friend and I feel a lot better about ourselves, proclaiming once again that if we had all those hair and make-up people fawning over us, we would look that good too. Delusional, perhaps, but sadly we did not imagine the pioneer wagon wheel monstrosity that they were dragging back to the homestead. Later, after passing about a mile of similarly rusted wagon wheels and
such, we prayed that prairie chic isn't the next shabby chic.
· on mon, 3/21, around 8:50a, as i was waiting for the light on Highland and Sunset, coming out of the McDonalds, the one across from hollywood high, was Kevin Smith in this obnoxious SUV with this big dog in the back. He was looking very silent bob-ish: backwards cap, could tell he had some dark jacket on. my friend's comment "Like he needs McDonalds- ha!" I was surprised he was out and about that early on a monday morn!
· had a few lame c/d/z-list sightings at the fashion week shows at smashbox last night. first i looked down into the front row at kevan hall and noticed some hideous chunky highlights and badly cut choppy hair. i was fairly certain it had to be either lisa rinna or paula abdul, and as soon as i saw the lip-profile, my first inclination was confirmed correct. seated next to lisa rinna was one maria menounos. i'm sorry, but you know your show is the ultimate lame if these two are your front row. i also found it particularly disturbing that these women got prime realty, and cheryl hines (a.k.a. cheryl david from curb) was confined to a shoddy second row seat. Also making appearances were brooke burke and honey from queer eye for the straight girl who was doing interviews. apparently honey modeled at a show last night and her fake boobs were the hit of the catwalk. later on, we heard some guy introduce himself to a girl by telling her that she was in his video, unfortunately we could not confirm who he was. i assume since it wasn't rick solomon talking to paris hilton he must have been a lesser-known musician. finally, we saw melissa rivers taking photos for approximately 1.5 paparazzi outside. she looked fairly terrible and was wearing an outfit that only joan could love.
· Saw radio/TV? celeb Steve Harvey today driving down Coldwater Canyon. He was driving a huge black Bentley or Rolls Royce — and I may have noticed the type of car had I not been surprised by his large purple fedora.
· Saw Vincent Gallo coming out of my Continental flight from Newark to LAX yesterday. He may have been on the same flight as me, as he was right outside the gate when I stepped out and was at the same baggage claim as
me. He looks exactly the same in life as he does onscreen. He was in a grey coat and dark slacks and waited for his luggage by himself and from what I could see, went unnoticed.
· I just got back from a week in LA and I have a few sightings for you. I saw (and spoke to) John Mayer at Mel's Diner on Sunset. He was with a black guy - not sure who he was. John could not have been nicer - took pictures with me and my friend and chatted for a few minutes. Honestly, a class act. Also saw Shane West at Good Neighbor Cafe (or restaurant?) in Studio City. He was dressed in all black with his hood up and did NOT seem in the mood to chat with anyone. He was eating by himself.