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Wherein we invite our readers to grab their shovels and unearth the blind item artifacts that humpy E! gossip archaeologist Ted Casablanca has buried under mounds of prose-dirt. This week, a new wrinkle: Ted revisits an item from two weeks ago, which our resourceful readers can now attack with a renewed vigor and fresh perspective. Take another shot at One Window-Fogged Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Remember Toothy Tile from One Adorable Blind Vice? The sweet movie-star guy who was surreptitiously holding digits with his boyfriend at a West Hollywood restaurant? Well, he's at it again. Only, this time, more than digits are being utilized. At least the ones...never mind." Read the item.

You say: Note the new instructions: Send your guesses to defamer [AT], and make sure to put "blind" in the subject line.