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Your guesses are posted! Take off your shoes and your socks and tiptoe through the gossip-daisies of One Window-Fogged Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Remember Toothy Tile from One Adorable Blind Vice? The sweet movie-star guy who was surreptitiously holding digits with his boyfriend at a West Hollywood restaurant? Well, he's at it again. Only, this time, more than digits are being utilized. At least the ones...never mind." Read the item.

You say: Your responses are after the jump.

You say: The first time we gave you a crack at this item, you guessed both Orlando Bloom and Chris Klein. But since Ted removed Orlando Bloom from the running in last week's column, you looked deep inside yourselves and came up with...another split decision. This time, it's Chris Klein (again, how wonderful for him) and the dreamy-eyed Jake Gyllenhaal, the previous game's also-ran. He must be so proud. We already discussed Klein's candidacy last time, so let us just say that Jake's Dreamy Eyes may well be no match for traditional ideas of sexuality. We bet that if he wanted to, he could use dreamy beams from those baby blues to transform a penis into a vagina, and buff pecs into a set of perfect double D's. And then what's left of your notions of "gay" and "straight," hmm? Yeah, we thought so. Looks like Ted wins again! Sometimes we feel like the Washington Generals to his bitchy version of the Harlem Globetrotters.

You say: Garnering mentions for having a "toothy smile," Matt Damon made the cut. Also, there was some support for the Actor Who Shall Not Be Named, and a handful of guesses for a handful of other actors. Here's a tip: Everyone in Hollywood is a little gay. That should help you narrow it down.

And The Andy Dick Memorial “You Also Say” Item Goes To: Says one reader: "It's Gary Busey...he's riding high on a month long meth binge and after making love to his dog, then switched to men." Congratulations, Mr. Busey. You're in rarefied company.

Thanks to everyone for playing!