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· An actor is alleging that he was Vincent Gallo's Brown Bunny stunt cock...and breaking his confidentiality agreement because he hasn't yet been paid for letting Chloe Sevigny blow him. Dude, in many Hollywood circles, you just got time-and-a-half.
· Moonlightin' Matt Haber at Low Culture: Sometimes the World Writes Its Own Satire.
· We're going to be upfront about this: We fucking love Project Greenlight. The movie they're making is going down, and going down hard. But the runners-up in the script competition, whom everyone involved with the show seemed to think did a better job than the writers they selected, have optioned their scripts to Ben Affleck and Wes Craven. Everybody wins! Also: Viva Gulager!
· RIP Morty Seinfeld, gentleman, father, and inventor of the beltless raincoat.