To Do: Vulgar Manchester Handsome Boy

· If you didn't know about Kevin Smith's Vulgarthon 2005 (hosted at the Cinerama Dome at the ArcLight) until now, you've already missed most of it. But the festivities, including Q & A's with actors from the View Askewniverse and various screenings, are raging on right now. Probably not included in the festival: a behind-the-scenes documentary on the making of Jersey Girl.
· A little something for the Moz Army, or whatever Morrissey fans call themselves: The Morrissey documentary Who Put the "M" in Manchester? screens tonight in various cities, with the local Mozfest hosted at the Universal Amphitheater.
· Anything that takes its name from an episode of Get a Life is OK in our book: Handsome Boy Modeling School plays the House of Blues on the Strip. In non Chris Elliott-related news, Lovemakers and The Crimea are at Spaceland.