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Sometimes, Lonely Planet just doesn't give would-be tourists the NYC insight they need to "blend" and not wander about "amorously." Thankfully, there's the internet and southern belles with marginal html skills to pick up the slack. Their tips for visiting New York include wearing a black winter coat, avoiding the MAC counter at Bendel's, and not trying to pick up a hetero man in Chelsea. Wise insights, indeed. As for the "hot spots" for NYC nightlife:

Some places to check out: Off the Wagon in The Village, The Olive Tree in The Village, Merce [sic] Bar, The Coffee Shop in Union Square, Marquee in Chelsea, Level V in the Meatpacking District, Pianos in the Lower East Side.

This is probably the one and only time you will ever see Off the Wagon, Marquee, and Pianos share a paragraph — and, sadly, it's the very paragraph that's rendered all three venues "so over" by letting the secret out.

A Southerner's Guide To Visiting NYC [Juicee News]