· New Yorker pop music critic Sasha Frere Jones moderates a panel at Columbia's J-School on — you guessed it — blogs, featuring editors from Rolling Stone, Fader, and a member of TV on the Radio. Good to see those big tuition dollars are being spent to keep students on the techological up and up. [flavorpill]
· There's another tsunami on the way and the kiddos in Darfur keep on dying, but Tonic has recouped 90% of the money they need to stay afloat. Yay! Yo La Tengo perform tonight to help 'em make that last push. [Tonic]
· In case you missed 'em last week, What's Up NYC tells us that newest British "it" band, the Kaiser Chiefs, perform at the Spin magazine office tonight at 6:30. They also tell us that RSVP-ing is necessary. They do not, however, tell us where to send said RSVP. We're sure you'll find a way around this problem. [WUNY]