Blogging Dies Another Death
Arianna Huffington, the liberal-come-lately pundit best known for her, um, accent, is launching an online webzine:
Based in New York and staffed with a full complement of editors, the Huffington Report appears to be a culture and politics webzine in the classic mold of Salon or Slate. It will have breaking news, a media commentary section called "Eat the Press," and its most interesting innovation, a group blog manned by the cultural and media elite: Sen. Jon Corzine, Larry David, Barry Diller, Tom Freston, David Geffen, Vernon Jordan, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Harry Evans and his wife, Tina Brown. That's just to name a few, and Huffington is still recruiting.
Can you imagine? We can. At first, it'd be cute: David Geffen is totally cruising Datalounge, Gwyneth is rambling on LiveJournal ("mood: anxious")... And then Tina fucking Brown comes in and defiles the one medium left somewhat unspoiled by her gilded paws.
Then again, all of these big names are being asked to phone in their blog posts to their assistants. So maybe we've got nothing to worry about.