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Two-time Oscar winner and international fruit-smuggling scofflaw Hilary Swank has finally been brought to justice. A New Zealand court denied her appeal of a $150 fine for failing to declare an apple and an orange that she illegally brought into the country during a recent visit.

"After my 20-hour flight I simply forgot I had one orange and one apple. I do apologize sincerely," she said in her handwritten letter.

The letter continued, "I'm just a simple girl from a trailer park. How could I know that I had to tell people that I was carrying fruit for my husband, Chaz? Luckily, they let me keep my can of Cheez Whiz and a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, otherwise I would've had nuthin' to eat the entire trip. Hey, have you ever been on an airplane? They give you little bags of nuts to eat!"