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This Page Six report about Paris Hilton and Kimberly Stewart's adventures at a local club allows us to revisit some of the rules of Hollywood bathroom etiquette:

WHILE Rod Stewart has re-invented himself as a schmaltzy crooner for the soccer mom set, it's good to see that his daughter, Kimberly, is still living the rock 'n' roll lifestyle. At an L.A. concert by her boyfriend Cisco Adler's band Whitestarr, Kimberly and pal Paris Hilton ducked into a stall in the ladies room, prompting an impatient lass in line to yell, "At least save some for us!" When Paris finally emerged, one bladder-bursting babe relieved herself in a sink. "You dirty bitch!" Paris yelped. The heiress, who apparently reconsidered her harsh appraisal, then added, "That's hot!" and left the loo.

If you've already committed the tragic faux pas of not bringing enough coke for at least the first two people waiting in line for the bathroom stall, common courtesy dictates that you conduct any nostril-based transaction as expediently as possible, allowing the next party to get down to the business of blowing their own rails off a Miata key. And should you actually need to use the bathroom for the elimination of waste, well, you haven't done enough drugs. Get better-connected friends.