Greek Tragedy: The Blogger Book Deal
You've heard the story: blogger blogs, agent notices, blogger gets book deal. But what happens after the fact?
I was just ordering an iced tea in the crowded cafe of the Borders at Columbus Circle, when I hear someone in the cafe yell "I'll link to it! On my website! And you'll get TONS OF TRAFFIC! I have TEN THOUSAND READERS PER DAY!" I glanced at the person yelling from her laptop-laden cafe table, then glanced at the person she was yelling to - an older woman sitting nearby, clearly a stranger. I guess the stranger didn't hear the first time because the person yelled again "TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE READ MY SITE EVERY DAY!"
Before I even had time to process the embarrassment I felt for this person for saying such a David Brent sort of thing, I realized (I'll admit: to my glee) that this misguided young lady was none other than the lastest recipient of a half-million dollar book deal from Judith Reagan: Miss Stephanie Klein.
Judith must be so proud, in the sort of way that draws blood.
Straight Up And Braggy: The Other Side Of "Fame" [Lindsayism]