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The Culture to Go blog takes a stroll through whirleybird aficionado/occasional broomstick fetishist Harrison Ford's IMDb page with an eye on the great actor's penchant for constipated grimacing. Ford's work in The Fugitive was perhaps the apogee of his knotted-colon facial articulations:

The Fugitive (1993): The 1960s TV series it's based on was innovative, the first of the serial-plotline shows that are so popular 40 years later. This is just a plodding action picture, but Ford gives great face as Dr. Richard Kimble, a man with no change in his pockets racing against the clock in a world full of pay toilets. Not that he'd necessarily be able to squeeze one out if he had the opportunity—many looks of very deep concern and consternation in this one.

Perhaps most touching was Ford's turn in Regarding Henry, in which the actor portrays with harrowing realism a lawyer who's rendered unable to void solid waste after a near-fatal shooting. The scene where he relearns how to evacuate his bowels makes us cry every single time.