Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: McG Gets SbD

Because today is Every Website Must Pull a Prank Day, you may be disinclined to believe this reader report about second-tier fauxteur McG leaving an invisible angel behind in a lift at Sony. But rest assured—we received this e-mail yesterday, so it's probably not part of the April Fool's Day tomfoolery overwhelming us at every turn.
Not sure how much of a "sighting" this is, since I was at Sony Studios - but my friend and I got into an elevator as McG was getting out...we wondered at first if he was just being a Hollywood-to-cool-to-have-manners as he pushed past us and nearly bowled us over — but then we got into the elevator and damn! It stunk! He'd ripped one to peel the paint off the walls and must have been asphyxiating in there. After breathing fresh air again, we realized he was taller and thinner in person than we'd expected.
Here's a tidbit to satiate your need for fake news today: Brett Ratner defecated on a tray in the commissary on the Warner Bros. lot to win a five-dollar bet. There, do you feel better now? We do.