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In this week's episode of PoweR Girls, we are forced to return to the Hamptons — more hip-hop parties, it seems. As producers slowly create characters out of the lifeless, limp bodies of Lizzie's slaves, we learn that the Gotti boys are "so hot right now" and PR girl Kelly is "so not competent right now." In his weekly review, Gawker intern David enlightens us on the latest from the land of Lizzie.

TV shows with characterless characters suck. Anybody who watches Making the Band is painfully aware of this. So it is a relief that the producers of PoweR Girls have begun to realize that Lizzie s ladies require some semblance of a personality. For instance, in episode two we discovered that Kelly is really dumb. The following week was Rachel s time to shine, as she flaunted her top-notch incompetence. Thursday s installment kicked off by shedding even more light onto Kelly s dynamo persona, namely that she is even dumber than we thought she was after the second show. While such a trait may be ever so slightly amusing for reality television viewers, it might not be as adorable to Kelly s colleagues. It kinda sucks to be like working with somebody who doesn t like you, Kelly moans. Like, for sure. Just ask Michael Eisner.

But who can blame her workmates when Kelly shirks PR duties to attend a rally (yes, a rally) for a state-of-the-art line of tagless bras backed by Paula Abdul? Fortunately, Kelly realizes that she can only stand behind one hit-and-runner and commits to a rigorous 9:30-6 full-time job with Lizzie.

The show then attempts to break new ground by centering on a rap star bash in Southampton. Yeah, I know, episode two already covered Puffy s White Party, but that took place in a totally different Hampton. Plus, this finally gave us the opportunity to learn a little bit more about Ali, who up until this episode had about as much screen time as Keira Knightly s rack in The Hole (0.8 seconds trust me.) I d been awaiting an Ali subplot ever since I read her bio. My favorite movie is Annie Hall, and I love Curb Your Enthusiasm, she admits, music to the ears of a clich d New York Jew. And with her degree from Cornell s prestigious Hotel School, I could be sure that every morning I arose after a night of sweet lovemaking, I would be greeted with a chocolate on my pillow.

Unfortunately for Ali, she is forced to deal with those incorrigible Gotti boys, whom Lizzie describes as so hot right now. I mean, they are my favorite reality stars on A&E aside from Dog the Bounty Hunter. And they have great hair.

Kelly also has great hair, but what s under it, I m not too sure about. Apparently, she has great difficulty turning people away from the door, unlike nemesis Millie who insists, I don t want to take Star Jones in. She s a bitch. She s also a lawyer and she s married. Who knew?

Of course, it wouldn t be an episode of PoweR Girls without a PR lesson from Lizzie. This week, she informs us that in order to make it in the biz, You have to be a good writer, you have to be organized, and you have to be able to flirt. I guess that makes me the ideal publicist. Lizzie baby, hire me. You know you wanna, sugar lips. Wink. Smooch. Call me.