· Shake that booty like it's goin out of style: DJ Scribe (formerly of Halycon) and DJ Language (currently of Negroclash) go head-to-head on the ones and twos tonight at Table 50. [flavorpill]
· McSweeney's violence aficionado William Vollmann and Jewish wunderkind Jonathan Safran Foer (with the gilded manse of Brooklyn gold) participate in little Q and A tonight at the 92nd Street Y. Ask the former how he expects anyone to actually complete his 3,000-plus page treatise on political violence, and the latter on how he deals with being so precocious. [92Y]
· Keep on telling yourself you're cultured and head over to the French Institute Alliance Fran aise, where they'll be screening the first two installments of French director Eric Rohmer's Six Moral Tales series. BYO Gauloises. [TONY]