Dan Glickman: Learning To Switch-Hit

As if it wasn't bad enough that new, vanilla MPAA head Dan Glickman has to suffer through the inevitable, unfavorable comparisons to Jack Valenti, his swashbuckling, dashingly demented, and poetic predecessor, Glickman, a Democrat straight out of Clinton's cabinet, has to prove that he can swing both ways:
He's trying to prove that Democratic-tilting Hollywood can play ball with the Republicans in power if it means making legislative inroads on such issues as trade and movie piracy...Glickman also made his first-ever Republican contribution at a Los Angeles fundraiser, joking that his hand trembled as he wrote the check.
Sure, someone like Valenti could carry off straddling the odd Republican with panache, but it took years of practice to make it look so easy. Glickman's going to need some bipartisan breaking-in before he stops trembling each time a Republican probes his "inroads."