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After watching the three seasons' worth of first-time directors flail their way through disastrous low-budget films* on Project Greenlight, producer (and former partner of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon) Chris Moore decides that he's ready to get behind the camera himself for a remake of Race with the Devil:

"I didn't wake up at 12 and have a Super 8 camera in my hand," Moore said. "I'm the kind of guy who learns by being around people who are doing it..".

"I feel like I have enough experience now that I might be able to do a good job. I went through the drill with a pad and paper and asked, 'Would I hire myself?' And you know, I decided that on genre pictures and things of small budgets, I would hire myself.

Really, how hard can a directing gig be after convincing Harvey Weinstein to spend millions of dollars making Stolen Summer and The Battle of Shaker Heights? And he's already heartily endorsed himself for the job; getting an enthusiastic recommendation from a producer with a spotty track record is always the toughest hurdle.

[*We're stilling pulling for Gulager, but we're realists.]