Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Celebs Love Them Some U2

Because the public's unslakeable thrist for celebrity sightings cannot possibly be sated by one huge post on a Wednesday afternoon, we offer two reader reports of the stars in attendance at last night's U2 show at Staples Center:
Spotted on the floor: Brad Pitt, Chris Rock, Sacha Baron Cohen (w/Rock), Ali Hewson (Bono's wife), Dennis Hopper Jason Patric (should not even be considered a celebrity but for the shvitz scene in the Neil LaBute movie), Gina Gershon, Heather Graham, ...and most importantly...Leonard Cohen. (Mr. Cohen reported that he had met Bono for the first tme that inght - he was also flattered by Bono's tease of" So Long Marianne", a Cohen classic.)
During Bono's rap about his One foundation, he gave a shout out to Brad Pitt.
The verdict is in: Hollywood is guilty...of loving U2! And Bono's every bit as guilty for loving them right back. Pitt will return the shout-out favor in his next movie, where he'll secretly signal his rockstar pal by looking confused as he delivers a three-syllable word. Another reader report featuring a couple of celebrities with a somewhat lower visual-recognition factor is after the jump.
Saw perenially tan reality-guru Mark Burnett and surprisingly short Jake Steinfeld (aka "Body-by-Jake") at the U2 concert on Tuesday. They were not together, although that would have made it much more interesting. Burnett looked good, in mis-matched denim (light jeans and dark jacket) and with intentionally mussed hair. He drank some beer and was perfectly uneventful. Jake (who, strangely, looked a lot like Jerry Seinfeld but without the receeding hairline) ran up the stairs, and looked like he was having a blast.