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Whichever skinny-armed, Vader-helmeted Lucas disciple decided to line up the band of Star Wars disciples in front of the "wrong" theater six weeks before the new movie's premiere has turned out to be some kind of publicity genius. Sure, they got some blog attention earlier in the week, but now the mainstream media is sniffing around, knowing that the headlines had already written themselves:

'Star Wars' fans wait at wrong theater [CNN/AP]
'Star Wars' fans may be lining up in vain [LA Daily News]
'Star Wars' Fans Follow The Force ... To The Wrong Theater []
And for British flavor:
'Wrong queue' for Star Wars fans [BBC News]
Star Wars Fans Queue Up at Wrong Cinema [Scotsman UK]
Fans are Daft Vaders [The Sun UK]

Also: iFilm made a visit, and they brought a video camera: Star Wars III: Revenge of the Nerds