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Wherein we invite our readers to don their trash-turbans and play a dish-decoding tune on their flutes, and attempt to tease the celebrity cobra out of the wicker basket of blind items offered by humpy E! gossip swami Ted Casablanca. This week, Ted's back to the material that's elevated him to gossip greatness, an avowedly straight actor up to some same-sex antics. Charm the snake of One Luxurious Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Trent Spent is rich as he is horny. He's also as talented as he is successful in love. T.S. recently busted up with his significant other, Divella Sniffella, a heterosexual woman who was tired of dealing with Trent's sexual preferences, which didn't always happen to include her." Read the item.

UPDATE: You say: Your guesses are posted here.