Losing Your Bling Is Way Worse Than Being Fired

On Monday, our heavily SPF'd brother alerted us to the following news about hip-hop channel BET:
Upcoming projects include a hip-hop-flavored version of "The Apprentice" with mogul-in-the-making Damon Dash in the Donald Trump role.
But the new infusion of originals might create some casualties as well, with BET considering canceling its 11 p.m. newscast "BET Nightly News."
Our source deep within BET's attention-starved halls tells us that the Nightly News will indeed disintegrate sometime in June, ensuring that BET can focus its budget on Dash's Apprentice rip-off. (Not that it matters, we hear; BET wouldn't even pay for the News production, forcing CBS to dig into its pockets.)
If the complete elimination of news from the network isn't enough to make you shake your head in shame, here's an interesting tidbit about the new programming: Instead of saying, "You're fired!" to eliminated contestants, Damon Dash will snatch a special gold chain from their necks. We bet Les Moonves thought of that one himself.