Hollywood Hearts U2, Round 2

Two reports of unchecked celebrity activity at last night's Staples Center U2 shows rolled in this morning. This time, some intrigue in the VIP-heavy front section of the concert: Why couldn't John Cusack get a backstage pass on his own? Are those Entourage kids (and Jeremy Piven) really there to shoot footage for the show, or were they engaged in some kind of semi-elaborate ruse to reach the rarefied air of the front row that their semi-celebrity alone would not allow them to breathe? Why does Jon Bon Jovi have such incredible skin, and why is Orlando Bloom draped in chicks? These issues and more addressed below:
Here's who was at U2 last night, on the floor, front row: John Cusack, finagling himself a backstage pass after trying to get to the band on his own recognizance and being DEEnied! His friends went to work throughout most of the concert and finally got him a laminate. He is not cute. Mark Ruffalo, bopping around, catching the Kings of Leon as well. He is so cute and cool! The entire posse from Entourage- Jeremy, Kevin, Adrian, the Dillon brother wrapped in an Irish flag, and the short hairy bearded guy. Jeremy was trying to squirm his way to the front row with the boyz by claiming they were filiming an episode of Entourage thus needing to be in front.
"You're full of shit, you just wanna get to the front," I challenged. "There's the camera," he said pointing, "Why do you think we're all here!" he exclaimed in a degrading tone. Um, I'm still not sure if I believe him. Either way, Adrian kept checking me out. Holla! He's hot. And finally, Tony and Adrien from No Doubt. Nothing interesting about them, other than Tony needs to do something about his hair. Thank you, good night!
And here's the second report:
Firstly and mostly, they rocked, great performance, great songs - they give fantastic show. In the VIP section Jon Bon Jovi (who knew he had such amazing skin?! How is that, JBJ? dermabrasion? facials?) and Flea - they weren't together but they were both absolutely riveted by the band's performance. I think they were mentally giving big ups to Bono and crew, and wishing they had been in Ireland in the 1980s during U2 auditions... Also, Djimon Hounsou of GLADIATOR and IN AMERICA fame. He is tall and gorgeous, and left the roped off VIP area to come into the crowd, speaking to anyone who wanted to chat. Very friendly. But biggest celeb was Orlando Bloom, who had a fem posse of 4 brunettes he was laughing and enjoying the concert with. Maybe he needed a night out with the girls to get through the recent relationship blues? He looked very Kingdom of Heaven/Pirates 2 with the long hair and facial fuzz, and was also friendly and seemed to really be enjoying himself. Do I even need to state the obvious? Very handsome. Oh, and Bo from One Life to Live was behind me in line to buy beer. I think he was with his daughter - adorable.