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Your guesses are in! Take a quick soak in the refreshing bubbles of One Luxurious Blind Vice before moving on:

Ted sez: "Trent Spent is rich as he is horny. He's also as talented as he is successful in love. T.S. recently busted up with his significant other, Divella Sniffella, a heterosexual woman who was tired of dealing with Trent's sexual preferences, which didn't always happen to include her." Read the item.

You say: Guesses are after the jump.

You say: With the ferocious certainty of a traveling preacher who knows that when he throws little Timmy's crutches aside that-a boy-a is GONNA WALK!, you said, "Brad Pitt." You know, except for those of you who were a little uncertain and really, really want it to be him for, er, personal reasons, and who were even willing to engage in blasphemy for it:

"For the love of Christ's naked dessicated corpse, let it be Brad Pitt."
"Oh sweet jesus, let it be Brad Pitt. Dear god, LET IT BE Brad Pitt…""

Yes, those were sent by different people. Believe what you want, but know that this game is always a question of faith, especially when that faith can be thrown into crisis by the gossip rags reporting reporting that Pitt was seen carrying on with the very female Angelina Jolie.

You say: Limping into second place was Charlie Sheen, an interesting guess. How many hookers does a dude need to fuck before y'all stop wondering about his preference? This is what he gets for splitting up for Denise Richards, we suppose. In any case, Ted's Seed of Doubt™ has again been planted, and he's defeated the uncertain legions.

You say: (protest vote) A reader: "I thought everyone in Hollywood was gay?! Uh.... how about Harvey Fierstein. What he's out already?! Well damn."

And The Andy Dick Memorial "You Also Say" Item Goes To: Despite a strong, non-Dick challenger, we have to give it to Andy Dick this week. We miss him.

Thanks for playing!