To Do: Your Weekend At Rest

· Margaret Cho performs an intimate comedy show at the Wiltern. We haven't check in with her in a while. Is she still doing jokes about that sitcom she had?
· Noisy art-rockers Deerhoof begin their two night stand at the Echo. Oh, these whippersnappers are always giving us a headache with the loud rock-n-roll. Dadgummit.
· We know you love yourselves some rummage sale. Throw in a charitable cause, and how are we going to stop you from blowing your entire paycheck on old stuff? Hollywood Heart's sale in Burbank helps finance the non-profit's education, arts, and recreation programs for at-risk youth, so go ahead, live a little.
· KXLU DJs are turning up at the opening/book release party of Veronqiue Vial's photo collection An American in Paris at Glu. Sweet Jesus, we feel so uncool even pondering the hipster orgy we'd love to pose our way through.
· Kink N Drink at King King: Porn stars, charity, Ron Jeremy, getting people off crystal meth—you sort it out. But sounds good!
· Because the Lakers have let you down in profound ways and you need to lash out: Clippers forward Bobby Simmons will be at the Hollywood Sprint Store on Sunset Blvd (near Western), signing basketballs, kissing babies, and meeting fans.