Changes At The Source: Benzino Out, Lawsuits In

Friday evening, MTV reported that The Source magazine's co-founder Benzino (or Raymond Scott, as his parents like to call him) had resigned as Chief Brand Manager, citing problems with the publication being "too politically correct." And what timing!
[T]wo of the highest-ranking former female executives of The Source magazine, the self-proclaimed Bible of Hip Hop, filed charges of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission accusing co-owners David Mays, the Chief Executive Officer, and Raymond Benzino Scott, the Chief Brand Executive, of committing gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and unlawful retaliation against women at the Company.
The charges were filed by Kimberly Osorio, who was the first female Editor-in-Chief of The Source, and Michelle Joyce, who was the Vice President of Marketing. According to the charges, female employees were consistently discriminated against on the basis of their gender in favor of male employees, particularly with respect to hiring, promotions, compensation and benefits, working hours and discipline.
It's a brilliant new way of doing business! "Bitch better make my dinner, or I'm resigning and selling all of my stock."
Kim Osorio Hits The Source With Gender Discrimination Lawsuit [hiphopmusic]