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Following a not-at-all-near-death experience with an overzealous paparazzi at a Beverly Hills stoplight (the loud, scary noise that brakes emit when an automobile stops short was involved), Jennifer Lopez briefly got the writing bug:

Lopez says she was almost involved in an accident when a car went "screeeech" right in front of her vehicle. "It was the paparazzi trying to beat the light on the same turn with us," she said.

"Nobody likes to hear somebody in the public eye who they feel makes a lot of money complain, so we don't, but it is a very strange thing," the singer-actress said.

"Nobody writes books about how to deal with it or anything like that," Lopez said. "Maybe I'll do that next. No. I'll make no money, it's not worth it."

It's impressive to see that even in a moment of overblown personal crisis, Lopez's business instincts are as sharp as ever. The instant that the ethereal voice ceased urging her to "walk into the light" following her averted fender-bender, a lightning-quick, internal analysis of the book proposal for J.Lo's Survival Guide For Rich People Scared By Paparazzi With Poor Vehicle Deceleration Skills revealed that it wouldn't be profitable. Amazing!