To Do: Mags, Blows, Death-Ray

· CalArts hosts a roundtable discussion on What Makes a Great Magazine? at the Redcat with panelists from Hearst Magazines, Giant Robot, and the LAT. Nod knowingly when some guy from Maxim thrusts his hand in the air, grunting, "Ooh, ooh, B-list actresses in bikinis make a great magazine!"
· Enjoy an evening of watching shorts and clips of movies offering "creative resistance and political pranking" at "Blows Against the Empire" at Sponto Gallery in Venice to help wash that stale Spears taste from your mouth.
· Tired of your comedy having that insidious, namby-pamby, lefty bent? M Bar hosts Right Wing Comedy Night at Comedy Death-Ray, with Matt Besser, Greg Proops, and other comics who'd probably like to strangle Janeane Garofalo.