· Tonight at the Bowery, Frenchite Anthony Gonzalez of M83 brings his brand of distorted shoegazing synth riffs; everyone's favorite atmospheric German, Ulrich Schnauss, brings his orchestral beats; you bring the drugs. Tomorrow's show is sold out. [flavorpill]
· American portraitist Alex Katz talks about his "creative process" at the American Federation of Arts tonight. Those artists and their artist mumbo-jumbo jargon. Can't we just call finger-painting what it is? [TONY]
· Rene Steinke and Paula Kamen take part in the latest installment of the Cupcake reading series at Lolita tonight. The website also mentions that Ms. Steinke's husband is Craig Marks, Editor of Blender magazine. Yay for advocating female independence! [Cupcake]