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Your guesses are in! Put down that low-carb turkey wrap and enjoy the fruits of your collective sleuthing. But first, take a moment to check your work on One Nearly Public Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Fleshy Tessy and Bulging Bruce sure are the pair. Quite the celebrated duo in their chosen professions (including one joint project, to mixed reviews), Tess 'n' Bruce are rather brazenly courting other (less cute) bed partners. All because they say they've had it with the other's spoiled behavior back in the marital manse." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump.

You say: You tabbed every tabloid's couple du jour, Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey. Are they on the rocks? Are their happy public faces just a front to protect Newlyweds and the Dukes of Hazzard movie? How big IS Johnny Knoxville's dick, anyway? Hey, how did that last sentence get there? In any event, your blind-item bloodlust ripped at the throats of Nick and Jessica, then gleefully showed them their ravaged windpipes. A little dance may have been involved. Poor, crazy, happily-married kids like N and J never get any respect, and that saddens us.

You say: In a non-televised portion of the ceremony, second place was awarded to Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith. Why did they receive so many guesses? We're not sure, but we're inclined to blame Johnny Knoxville's dick. That things seems to find its way into every rumor lately.

You say: Many, many celebrity couples were named, including, but not limited to, Jennifer Lopez/Marc Anthony, Arnold and Maria, Brit-Brit and K-Fed, David Duchovny/Tea Leoni, Madonna/Guy Ritchie, and our personal fave, Swanklash and Hubby. The answer: Nearly every married person in Hollywood is banging away at whomever strikes their fancy, loudly. The entire town is like one gigantic key party.

And The Andy Dick Memorial "You Also Say" Item Goes To: Bea Arthur and Rue McClanahan.

Thanks to everyone for playing!