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· Grubman PR employee Joyce Stern was none too thrilled to read in yesterday's Page Six that Lizzie Grubman was dating her erstwhile hubby, Chris Stern. It's appalling what some men will do to be featured in an episode of PoweR Girls. [Page Six]
· While stopping for her post-Gyno ice cream, Britney Spears realized she was out of cash. Good thing the evil paparazzi loaned her $10, which resulted in exclusive lactose-licking pics. [R&M]
· Armed with a shiny new Peabody and a six-figure book deal, former 60 Minutes producer is coming after everyone in her new tome — except for Dan Rather, whom she thinks is as charming as a churlish chicken in a chinese chow house. [Lowdown]
· Dismissed Apprentice Chris Shelton explains a recent scuffle in Vegas as "passion." [Fox 411]