Gawking There

Well, that's it for me. If I may fracture the editorial "we" into a discrete "I" for one moment, let me say that today marks the end of my guest co-editing stint here at Gawker. It's been fun, but now I must be on my way.
Thanks to this site's editor and publisher for making a space for me at the table for their Movable (Type) feast. I hope I proved an affable guest while I lasted; I also hope I left before I started to stink too much. Also, thanks to the other editors in the Gawker Media family: now I can go back to being your fan.
And thank you to all the readers, tipsters, and blogging landsmen who keep this thing going. Your enthusiasm for this site often amazed me; your energy never failed to galvanize me.
Remember, everybody: God isn't closing a window. She's just minimizing it.
–Matt Haber