To Do: Your Weekend Of Measured Frivolity

· The Family Guy cast members Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis and Mike Henry attempt to prove that many animated television characters are voiced by actual human beings (some famous!) as they stage a reading for Family Guy Live at the Wiltern. Coincidentally, the show will be re-premiering on Fox soon.
· There is music on Friday night, in a variety of venues and featuring a number of styles: Crooked Fingers at the Knitting Factory; Dead Meadow at Spaceland; Q & Not U at the Troubadour; Radio Vago at El Cid.
· The FAB Market street fair enables you to eat and buy things among the arts community in downtown LA. We are fans both of buying and eating things, so this sounds like a delightful weekend option.
· We always find ourselves at a loss to describe the Create:Fixate's cool events, so hit their website and figure out exactly what's going on.
· There is also music on Saturday night, but in a smaller variety of venues: J Mascis and the Fog/Dinosaur Jr at Spaceland; The Killers at the Wiltern (also playing Sunday).
· We're not exactly sure what Earth Day celebrates (we suspect Priuses are involved), but the WorldFest 2005 Earth Day Festival sounds like a wonderful party full of people much more environmentally aware than we are.
· Feel stifled by the Amoeba Records corporate behemoth ever since they expanded to three stores? Go way indie at the First Annual Los Angeles Independents Record Fair at Little Temple.