As you may or may not have noticed, the addition of a guest co-editor to Gawker not only allows yours truly to sleep in past 6 AM, but has resulted in double the content. The system works, and Gawker will likely stay a two-man ship (if not more) for the rest of its days — frankly, this bitch merits the attention of more than just one drug-addled editor. So there you have it.

As such, today kicks off what I'm delicately calling the Gawker Gangbang, in which we'll be rotating various guest editors for one week at a time. I'm nothing if not a modern woman; I like multiple partners.

First up is our very own Lockhart Steele, aka The Only Straight Man Gay Enough For Gawker. Lockhart enjoys long walks on the beach, 300-thread-count sheets, and the Yankee Candle Company's "wedding day" scent. Be kind to him, as he'll be working very hard to keep you distracted with the usual fripperies while fanning me with palm fronds and fetching my Frappucinos.