Shift Change Memo: Non-Languorous Living
To: Elizabeth Spiers
You were totally right. Writing this site is a nightmare an ether binge without the literary payoff. I can't believe I gave up our languorous lunches for a week of this. (Really, how do you afford those shoes?) We're supposed to be "managing" the bloggers hold on, sorry, wiping tear from eye not "blogging" ourselves, right?
The only redeeming quality is that we get to do those Shift Change Memos that are all the rage. Wait, we don't? Huh.
Between us, I'm a little worried about Choire. His Shift Change Memos at Sploid are, well, visiting that special place. This was the end of his memo this afternoon:
Okay, I gotta go pay bills right now. In all the April 15th assfuckery I received, I totally forgot to pay my rent, the electric bill, everything. It s all past due and I m about to be drinking my gin and juice in the dark, leaching off some neighbor s open Wifi. It could all go south for me really easily, so I have to be super careful: the power goes out, then I stop shaving, then my toenails get all long and rounded, and suddenly I m some sort of gnome person, speaking only in grunts and headlines. Bad news, bear. Me go crazy some day, but let s stave it off a few weeks, eh?
Who do we have to blame for this? The nascent "shift change memoization" of blogging, I mean. Fretfully insidious beast. (Think Reynolds is going to start in? Kaus?) I'm tempted to point the finger here at Ken Layne, but I don't want to act hastily because I know he's sort of your Blog Daddy.
(Wait, forget I used those last two words. I mean, no one's ever going to use the phrase "Blog Daddy" in actual, public discourse, right?)

Maybe you can ask Ken about it tonight at that Fishbowl LA launch party. Let me know now that all I do is stare at the Internet and play Su Doku all day, I can use the distraction.