Annals Of Pushy Talent Management: 'The OC' Day-Player Edition

OK, Hollywood hotshot, pop quiz. You're a small time management firm/talent agency, and one of your clients lands a totally sweet, three-line role as "Wine Hostess" on The OC. What do you do?
If your answer is "e-mail every single casting, television/film production, and talent entity in town (Bob and Harvey Weinstein, Miramax, Lion's Gate, ICM, Maverick, Sony, MGM, to name very few) a cheesy headshot of your client, urging them to check out her star-making turn in hopes that she'll be offered a gig that will land her in Brad Pitt's trailer, while making sure that all e-mail addresses are helpfully included in the 'To,' field, instantly beefing up the address book of any schlub lucky enough to have it forwarded on to them," well, then you're ready for the big time! Your client has been well-served, and your little agency's ingenuity will surely have it moving from the Valley to a Wilshire Boulevard crystal palace in no time at all.
We should note that "Wine Hostess" was pretty awesome on the show last night; she kept memorably appearing to advance the adultery plot by offering Kirsten Cohen and the object of her lust a room in which to potentially cuckold Sandy.
The e-mail follows after the jump.
——-Original Message——-
From: Mysticentertain@XXXX
TO: [Redacted—huge list of e-mail addresses]
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 11:19 PM
Subject: Jennifer Elizabeth Davis/THE OC
Jennifer Elizabeth Davis
appearing on the
Thursday, April
on FOXContact:
Unique Talent Group
(310) 576-XXXX Entertainment
(818) 929-XXXX