· Looking to catch some good old Aussie power pop? Sorry, Ben Widdicombe can't sing. But the Down Under trio Neon hit up Mercury Lounge, if it's any consolation. [Mercury Lounge]
· RoseLee Goldberg pretty much wrote the book on performance art history. Seriously—she wrote Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present. Ask her what, exactly, that means at the panel discussion "Not for Sale: New Media and Sound" tonight, which she moderates at NYU's Einstein Auditorium. [flavorpill]
· Put on your Yarmulke and head over to 48 Wall Street for the 5th annual Downtown Seder, where you can pay $135 to eat Gefilte fish and hear luminary Jews from Al Franken to Dr. Ruth offer their interpretations from sections in the Haggadah. Sounds like a hoot. You're gonna feel guilty, whether you go or not. [Oyhoo]