Trump's Tower: Erectile Dysfunction?

C'mon boys, let's keep this a clean fight. Wash your hands and go to your corners.—MG
On a recent edition of The Apprentice, Donald Trump took a swipe at Mark Cuban and Richard Branson. In a heated boardroom discussion, Trump became agitated when one Apprentice candidate did nothing to defend himself when attacked by one of his fellow Apprentice candidates. Trump then drew a parallel to his own life saying "Branson went after me, I killed him. Cuban, went after me, I killed him."...Reality TV Magazine contacted Cuban to see if he would like to give a response to The Donald's most recent "killing" allegations. Cuban replied (and we quote), "He [Donald Trump] needs to step away from the Cialis. Those 4 hour erections have started to have an impact on his thinking."
"Mark Cuban Responds To Donald Trump s Killing Comments" [Reality TV]