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In a bout of the kind of movie star largesse that so frequently goes overlooked in the gossip-obsessed press, generous starlet Lindsay Lohan gifted trucker hats bearing the message "Love, Lindsay" to the crew of Just My Luck. Apparently, Lohan chose to commemorate her turbulent time shooting the movie in such quaint fashion because a more accurate remembrance of their time together, which would likely involve kicking a grip in the balls and vomiting a Hurricane onto the first assistant director's shoes, would violate a host of union rules. Thanks to the efforts of a scrappy internet entrepreneur, you can now own a replica of Lohan's token show of gratitude (estimated JML paycheck: $7.5 million), and pretend you were a part of the troubled production; don your trucker hat and play the deliciously simple Just My Luck Home Game, in which you simply stand around waiting to see if the actress is going to show up at your "set" or take another "exhaustion" day.