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There is little in this world more precious than two megalomaniac billionaires engaging in a public dick-measuring contest through the media. On last week's episode of The Apprentice, The Donald bragged that he "killed' fellow professional money-collectors Mark Cuban and Richard Branson when they launched competing reality shows. Cuban, of course, wasn't going to let this primetime volley pass without some retaliatory bitchslappery of his own:

Reality TV Magazine contacted Cuban to see if he would like to give a response to The Donald's most recent "killing" allegations. Cuban replied (and we quote), "He [Donald Trump] needs to step away from the Cialis. Those 4 hour erections have started to have an impact on his thinking."

Snap, indeed. As much as it pains us to do so, we're going to have to award this round to Trump. His show's still on the air, and he can creatively escalate the conflict by having his phalanx of mouth-breathing Apprentices haplessly design a signature Mark Cuban line of bunched-up panties for Victoria's Secret.

UPDATE: Perhaps we were a little hasty in giving this round to Trump. Cuban scores major comeback points after the jump:

Reality Blurred induced Cuban to reveal this nastier rejoinder, a part of which was deemed unprintable by the NY Post:

I basically laughed and told him I must be in Donald's head so much that he had gotten sick on himself from drinking the kool-aid, peeing in a cup and drinking it again. He keeps on talking about me in interviews when I don't give a shit what he says or does.

Trump has only one recourse to regain the upper hand: make George wear a Mark Cuban mask and repeatedly bugger him on the boardroom table during the live Apprentice finale.