To Do: Vowell, Black, Unsane

· NPR sweetheart/essayist/Incredibles star Sarah Vowell takes on world-beating humorist juggernaut David Sedaris in a best-of-three-falls display of literary pugilism at UCLA's Royce Hall. Bring some kind of protective covering if you're sitting in the front rows—you wouldn't want your clothes ruined by an errant witticism.
· On a slightly angrier and spittle-flecked (but no less amusing) tip, The Daily Show's Lewis Black will sign his book Nothing Sacred at Book Soup.
· A reader suggested this name for the music round-up, so here goes for one day only:
'Lil Nubbins: Damon & Naomi with Timonium at Spaceland; The Vacation hit up the Silverlake Lounge; Unsane have their CD release party at the Knitting Factory, where everyone who ponies up the cover charge gets a copy of their new CD.