Letter from the Guest Editors

What s crappenin , people? Just a reminder that Gawker editor Jessica Coen is in the tropics abusing men and illegal substances, so this week it s Michael Gross and Noelle Hancock leading you astray. Thanks so much for all of your emails. A few things: 1) If we want to listen to bitching we ve got the voices in our head. However, if you ve got tips, celebrity sightings, and a working relationship with your sanity, send em our way to tips@gawker.com. 2) To answer your question, no, we don t think we re better than everyone else, we are better, especially considering one of us shares a name with the dude who played Mr. Keaton on Family Ties (we d still do Meredith Baxter, by the way). On that note, we ve tied our naked lady mudflaps to the backs of our laptops and are ready to roll. And away we go —NH